Purchase Sword Coast Legends now at 67% off and receive the Rage of Demons DLC for free. Our publishing contracting is ending, but although Sword Coast Legends will no longer be available to purchase after December, its multiplayer servers will remain live indefinitely.Īnd this information, was edited six months later to instead read, "its multiplayer servers will remain live for an indefinite, unspecified, amount of time.", and this was proven as fact by the internet wayback machine. Now, I purchased the game in early access and supported it and enjoy the game, but I have strong concerns about this type of thing. I paid for a multiplayer game that would have servers up indefinitely, as stated by not only N-space devs, but by the Digital Extremes publishers who took over for them when N-space was no more, and even used this fact as a way to get more sales out of the title the last time it was placed on sale. Moreover, as an online game, I was under the impression that all the characters I made were stored on the old N-space servers somewhere, in which case the game literally will no longer work at all without it's online component. There are no more N-space Sword Coast Legends forums or website, or even a way for new players to make Sword Coast Legends accounts, and nobody has addressed those problems in the steam forums, not for many months.
#Sword coast legends mods mad hatter Patch#
I mean, even the hated Electronic Arts has left servers up for communicating player data to keep DLC working in Kingdom's of Amalur: Reckoning. The Best Cyberpunk 2077 Mods League of Legends Patch 12. How on Earth can EA be treating gamers better than DE?Īgain, apologies if this is in any way annoying to you, the reader, as a Warframe player. I originally sent this as a PM rather than a post to avoid an Off-topic stink in the Warframe forums, but. I don't know where to take these concerns, and time is pressing. No one from DE's staff are reading posts in the community's off-topic section of the forums. And DM mode is complete shit, though if you bought the game. Its not a D&D game, much less is it a spiritual successor to the classic BioWare RPGs. Its got issues from production quality to technical quality to demonstrably false marketing promises. The only people likely to read this are Warframe players and a few moderators, none of whom has anything to do with development or maintainance of any of DE's games. People are giving it bad reviews and complaining that it sucks because its not a good game. This is not meant to be hostile, but just to say you're barking up the wrong tree here. The network’s title was inspired by the Mad Hatter character in Alice in Wonderland. I posted this here only after I exhausted attempts to PM community professionals.